
2019-01-20 [My diary]

I don't have enough English skill because I have less oppotunity to speak English. This means I don't have less experience that I try to say my opinion in English and to describe my thought in English.

2 days before, I joined a meeting with business partner on abroad with other Japanese colleague. Honestley speaking, main speaker in the meeting in Japan side spoke english not fluently. But, he tried to describe his opinion honestly. All participants shared and completed meeting agenda item finally.

I thought his effort and his will make him not give up.
I want to keep effort like him.

Advise about reporting [My diary]

Usually, new employee in Japan receive employee training. I also received some new employee's training.
When I was new employee just after I graduated from an university, I belonged to General Coordination division during training.

I sometime remember manager's word at that time.
She said:
"When I was in my first year after graduation university, my boss always asked what I did in that day when I was leaving office. I felt bad about his asking. So, I reported my work daily before he tried to ask question. You may also have experience and feeling like this. So, I suggest that you report your work voluntarily."

I agree to her word. So, I try to report my work before someone checks and ask my work.
Of course, sometimes I forgot and/or postpone reporting. I remember her word in that case.