
Project Management [My diary]

I'm engineer and not Project Manager. I have joined some business project until now. Of course, Project Manager was in all project I joined.

In my point of view, all project mangers in project I joined knew and thought what should be archived by our project and thought what should be done by all project members.
Usually, the project managers didn't do project task by himself and/or herself. They asked project members to do task. That is reasonable because their responsibility is to manage project, project goal and so on.
Sometimes some of project member didn't agree to do task assigned by project manager. The reason was depends on the situation. Sometimes no time. Sometimes, he or she thought the task should be unnecessary.
Anyway, in that case, project manager usually explained respectfully why he or she assigned the task, why he or she thought the task was necessary and why he or she thought the project member is proper person for the task.
My point is I thought project managers understand his or project and project tasks thoroughly.

But, recently, I encountered person in project manager position who doesn't know his project and tasks correctly. He says, "I don't know what customer requests for the project. I don't know why customer requests the task. But, customer requested. That's why the task is to be done."

In my point of view, he isn't right person as project manager because he has no will to manage project, to think project and to understand project. But, he is still in project manager position. I think this is misfortune for him and for all project members including me.