
2019-02-16 [My diary]

I remember that some person who didn't have technical and business skill in our business.
Leader at that time recommended that he and I shared some of my work. But, I refused because he didn't have enough skill. I saw leader worked with him 2 hours during his 4 hours work. I thought if Leader or I would do that work, we just takes 2 hours by ourselves.
I said to Leader "he needs 2 hours to do 1 hour task. And he needs support half of time that he carries out the task. That has no sense to me because I have to use same time to support him. He used same amount of my work time. That's no meaning for me". "Understood" leader said.

The reason why I remember him is that I saw similar situation recently. One trained engineer worked together with one engineer which doesn't have enough skill for many time to support the engineer without enough skill.
I suppose that if the trained engineer did the work he needs less time. And the engineer without enough skill doesn't take note about work even though he should learn the work and do by himself.
If the engineer without skill could carry out the task by himself, the many time the trained engineer used is not wasted. But, I think that they both are satisified about work together itself.

I'm not sure whether my feeling is right. In my point of view, the trained engineer should teach more easier work to the engineer without enough skill. But, nobody knows the engineer without enough skill can learn work.